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Peabody Institute

Goal: Become a more inclusive community for Peabody faculty, students, and staff who identify as gender minorities.

Future State

  • Peabody is an inclusive community for faculty, students, and staff who identify as gender minorities, with infrastructure and resources to support belonging through recruitment/enrollment/hiring practices, support systems for gender minorities, community bias education, and pedagogical mentorship
  • Tracked through focus groups, surveys, and exit surveys


  • Hire new Assist. Dean for DEI (now) 
  • Follow up to bias survey recommendations – hold focus groups (1 year) 
  • Set up working group, assess campus infrastructure and resources (1-2 years) 
  • Identify and execute immediate (1-2 years) and long-term (3-5 years) action steps 
  • Monitor results through administration of JHU climate survey (5 years)