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Appendix 3: Status of Goals from first JHU Roadmap on Diversity and Inclusion (2016-2020)

Last updated: December 15, 2021

Status Key

Complete Outlined (or intended) activities were completed.
Partial Progress Progress toward the outlined (or intended) activity was made. Strategy, timeline, or structures originally identified may have been modified or efforts may have been otherwise incomplete as of 2021.
No Progress No progress was made toward the outlined (or intended) activity.

I.     Restatement of Principles on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Activity Description Status 2021
Committee to Reexamine University Statements on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Convened and charged to canvass views across JHU about existing statements regarding diversity, inclusion, and equity and recommend a new universitywide statement for community input and review. Partial Progress. Draft statement was circulated but not approved before leadership change in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI). New statement has now been proposed in the second JHU Roadmap on DEI.

II.    Faculty

Activity Description Status 2021
Faculty Diversity Initiative (FDI) Five-year, $25 million initiative to support recruitment and hiring of diverse faculty university-wide. Complete.
Enhanced Faculty Search Processes Each division establishing new protocols for faculty searches to increase diversity within applicant pool. Complete. All divisions have plans outlining inclusive faculty search processes.
Target of Opportunity (TOP) New resources provided to help recruit diverse scholars—up to $100,000 per faculty member per year for three years. Complete. 35 total faculty members recruited through TOP.
Visiting Faculty Initiative New resources provided to invite and support more visiting scholars in all academic divisions. Complete. The initiative supported 30 visiting faculty members.
Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Competitive, two-year program provides salary, benefits, research support, training, mentoring, and networking. Complete. The program supported 31 postdoctoral student participants.
Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Research Award $50,000 award each academic year for exceptional research that advances knowledge on issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Complete. Awards issued through 2019.
Transparent Reporting and Accountability on Faculty Diversity Divisions will receive guidelines for reporting faculty diversity data, grounding related efforts in data collection, analysis, and public reporting. Complete. Reports are issued biannually, with the last report released in 2020.
Divisional Plans Each academic division is currently preparing a three-year divisional faculty diversity action plan, including a rigorous self- assessment, clear goals, and strategies. Complete. All divisions established plans outlining goals and activities to increase faculty diversity in their area.
Universitywide Department Chairs Meeting on Diverse Hiring Interactive workshop on best practices and protocols for departments to use to recruit and retain diverse faculty Complete. Meeting convened in spring 2016.
Baseline Faculty Diversity Report Report on faculty diversity data that will serve as baseline to measure progress in years to come. Complete. Initial faculty composition report released in fall 2016 and biennially thereafter.
Cluster Hiring Recruiting multiple scholars into one or more departments based on shared, interdisciplinary research interests. Complete. Several departments and divisions employed cluster hiring as a part of broad diversity and inclusion strategies.
Faculty Mentoring Program Program designed to foster early- and midcareer faculty members; includes one-to-one, peer, and group mentoring. Partial Progress. Faculty mentoring plans are included in divisional diversity plans; School of Medicine offers a Master Mentor Program.
Faculty Mentoring Award A new award that will honor the full-time faculty member who exhibits excellence, generosity of spirit, and dedication in mentoring junior faculty members. Complete. Awards issued through 2019.
Faculty Mentoring Website A new central website to supplement divisional faculty mentoring websites and provide resource materials for mentors and mentees. Complete.
Faculty Mentoring Survey First such universitywide survey will provide baseline data regarding faculty access and satisfaction with their current and past mentoring experiences. Complete. The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey was administered to faculty in 2018.

III.   Students

Activity Description Status 2021
Baltimore Scholars Comprehensive program review to offer greater financial support and robust programming to admitted Baltimore City Public School graduates with the greatest financial need. Complete. The Baltimore Scholars Program offers eligible students significant to full financial support. In addition to financial support the Baltimore Scholars Program offers enriching programming to participants, opportunities like paid internships, mentoring, and networking create an enhanced undergraduate experience.
Expansion of Hop-In Increase in number of students participating to 160 over four years; hire two additional staff members over two years, with student engagement in search. Complete. Since 2015 more than 250 students have been served through the Hop-In program.
Broadening Multicultural Affairs Increase collaboration and coordination among the offices of Multicultural Affairs, LGBTQ Life, Gender Equity, and Campus Ministries to ensure that our programs and services are inclusive, serving the various needs and intersecting identities of students, and opening new, meaningful opportunities for them to engage with others. Complete. The Center for Diversity and Inclusion brings all of these offices and programs together under one umbrella.
Transgender Workgroup Ensure our policies and procedures are supportive of transgender students. Registration changed to preferred name (2015). Assessing facilities to ensure inclusivity. Partial Progress. The Preferred Name Project developed guidelines for faculty and staff around preferred names at Homewood in 2019 and will be complete for East Baltimore in 2021.
New Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion in Homewood Student Affairs Oversees the Homewood’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Complete. Original position filled in summer 2016; new associate dean hired summer 2021.
New Diversity-Focused Positions in Homewood Student Affairs Two new positions will support and foster programs focused on issues of diversity. Complete. Positions filled in summer 2016.
Student Advisory Board on Multicultural Affairs Reestablish student advisory board to provide ongoing feedback on the programs and services of the office. Complete. Originally called the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) General Assembly, the Multicultural Leadership Council provides feedback on programming and services and an avenue for student leadership development.
LGBTQ Needs Assessment Second assessment of the Office of LGBTQ Life to review progress made and identify opportunities for improvement Complete. Updated needs assessment conducted in 2021.
Task Force on Student Mental Health and Well-Being Student, faculty, and administrative task force to assess the current state of JHU mental health services and resources, canvass current research and benchmark against peers, and recommend effective services and interventions, including those customized to meet the needs of diverse students. Complete. Report released in February 2018.
Homewood Student Disability Services Office Focus Groups Work with members of Student Disability Services’ (SDS) Student Advisory Board to solicit their input and summarize and analyze the data. Complete. Student Advisory Board has evolved into Advocates for Disability Awareness, a group that works closely with SDS to advise and consult.
Mandatory Cultural Competency Workshop for First-Year Students Designed to help first-year students reflect on their own identities and learn about the importance of diversity and inclusion at Hopkins. Complete. Since its inception, more than 5,500 students have participated in a required DEI workshop.
Doctoral Program Directors Workshop Identify and discuss the challenges of successfully recruiting a diverse doctoral student body Complete. Workshop held in October 2016.
JHU Membership in National Name Exchange To help match JHU with minority students interested in graduate education. Complete. JHU has participated in the National Name Exchange since 2018.
JHU Chapter of the Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Develop a network of scholars to support students who have traditionally been underrepresented. Complete. As of 2020 JHU has inducted 16 students.
Graduate Student Composition Develop and publish data by the end of AY16–17 on the racial and gender composition of the graduate student community by division and department Complete. Graduate student composition reports now published biennially. Last report published in 2020.

IV.   Staff

Activity Description Status 2021
HopkinsLocal Joint university–health system economic inclusion initiative to hire staff from Baltimore’s most distressed communities. Complete. Established in 2015 to expand participation of local and minority-owned businesses in construction opportunities; increase hiring of city residents, with a focus on neighborhoods in need of job opportunities; and enhance economic growth, employment, and investment in Baltimore through purchasing.
Increasing Entry-Level Hiring Collaboration among university, health system, Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, and a local nonprofit workforce development company to train residents of Baltimore’s most disadvantaged communities with skills for key positions. Complete. Efforts include the HopkinsLocal economic inclusion initiative and expansion of partnerships with local colleges, universities, and workforce- development orgs.
Expanded Finance Diversity Mentor Program Evaluate what has and has not worked in current Diversity Mentor Program in University Finance, in order to strengthen the model for expansion across other functions and offices. Complete. Efforts expanded in 2017 to include finance staff across JHU divisions, rather than University Administration only.
Improving Staff Professional Development Roll out a streamlined performance-feedback program to ensure that supervisors and their staff are discussing performance strengths and development opportunities twice a year. Partial Progress. MyPerformance has been implemented for the majority of staff universitywide. Final implementation will take place in January 2022.
Health and Health Services Study Committee Committee is examining several areas of employee health services, paying special attention to needs of Johns Hopkins’ lowest-income employees. Complete. The Health Services Committee completed its work in 2017, developing a number of recommendations for the JHU community. A number of those recommendations have been implemented, including network changes within health plans to provide increased access to mental health/substance abuse providers; pharmacy utilization management strategies; and review of care management strategies by current health care providers and third-party vendors.
Enhance Diversity Training for Managers and Staff Develop both the quantity and quality of diversity-related training available to staff. Complete. Additional trainings are in place, including through the Leadership Development Program, Title IX and harassment prevention trainings, and the Supervisor and Manager Development Curriculum.
Staff Diversity Initiative for Hiring and Recruiting Review the FDI and industry best practices around diversity, and make recommendations around new processes. Complete. Hired executive director for Talent Acquisition, created an applicant tracking system, and adopted standardized practices around recruiting and hiring with a focus on processes to enhance diversity.
Enhance Family Support Benefits Develop a plan to support a broader range of child care options and offer a wider spectrum of options to our employee community. Complete. Additional family support resources made available to doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and trainees since 2019.
Develop and Report on Measures of Progress Open and transparent reporting on overall diversity of our workforce and updates on our efforts. Complete. Staff Composition report released in 2020.

V.     Education

Activity Description Status 2021
Commission on Undergraduate Education II Provide a current assessment of the state of undergraduate education and update recommendations, including among its priorities a comprehensive review and analysis of how best to address the challenge of preparing students to understand and appreciate an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Complete. Second Commission on Undergraduate Education report released 2020.
Recruitment/Hiring of Five Faculty Lines Connected to Center for Africana Studies Includes two faculty lines in Africana studies, two in history (one in African-American history, one in African history), one Bloomberg Distinguished Professor. Complete. Eight faculty members have joined the Center for Africana Studies since 2016, including one Bloomberg Distinguished Professor.
Committee on Centers and Programs in KSAS Committee will assess the state of centers and programs in the arts and sciences and recommend how to strengthen their role and presence within the school. Complete. The committee submitted recommendations in June 2017, including a recommendation that the deans create opportunities for time-limited, small-budget “programs” to be constituted around particular topics, for example Latin America in a Globalizing World.

VI.   Climate, Culture, and Community

Activity Description Status 2021
Workgroup on Diversity and Cultural Literacy Training Will seek out and evaluate the most effective trainings, and recommend appropriate training programs, whether mandatory or available for enrichment and development. Complete. Since 2016, HR has worked closely with ODI and content providers to develop additional optional DEI offerings for employee professional development. This group has been curating new content on a continuous basis and are currently in the process of expanding and adding additional DEI learning offerings. The majority of these will be optional professional development offerings, but some will also be required for employees in certain roles (e.g., those in leadership and management).
Mandatory Cultural Competency Workshop for Incoming Undergraduates Designed to help first-year students reflect on their own identities and learn about the importance of diversity and inclusion at Hopkins. Complete. More than 5,500 students have participated in the Identity and Inclusion Workshop since it was launched.
New Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) Website Highlight OIE’s centrality as a resource for the entire community, adding to OIE’s introductory session during freshman orientation, and OIE’s trainings and presentations to student, faculty, and staff groups throughout the year. Complete.
Enhanced Coordination on Responses to Incident Reports Convene working group to seek input from faculty, staff, and students on the types of responses to bias-related incidents that may work best in various situations. Complete. A working group was convened to seek and analyze feedback to make recommendations around response coordination. It was ultimately decided that the Office of Student Life, Office of Institutional Equity, and Student Outreach and Support coordinate to evaluate reports of bias on a case-by-case basis.
Expanded Diversity Leadership Council (DLC) to Empower Student Voices Expand the DLC to include standing seats, shared among key student groups, to be filled during our annual nomination process; will help ensure that student voices are empowered to impact university policy and programming. Complete. Student members regularly serve on the DLC as termed members.
Homewood Diversity Council Whiting and Krieger schools are creating a joint council to focus on issues of particular interest to those divisions. Complete. Homewood Council on Inclusive Excellence launched fall 2016.

VII.       Engaging with Baltimore

Activity Description Status 2021
Academic Conference on Race and Inequality in Baltimore Multiuniversity symposium that will explore the legacy of race- related policies and programs in Baltimore. Partial Progress. 21 Century Cities programming explored the legacy of race-related policies and programs, such as the 21CC Redlining Event and the 50th Anniversary of the Kerner Commission.
JHU Diversity and Inclusion Website A new website that provides information and updates on issues related to diversity and inclusion. Complete. Additional categories and spend types were added in FY19.
Expansion of HopkinsLocal Expand the principles of HopkinsLocal—the Hopkins-wide effort to build, hire, and buy local— to recruit nonaffiliated local businesses to the cause, broadening its impact. Complete. Created and launched citywide BLocal program in 2016.
Reporting on HopkinsLocal Report annually, provide data, work with BLocal partners to track progress. Complete. HopkinsLocal has produced annual reports through 2020.
Formalize Partnership with Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle School Create a flagship program around the arts, provide professional development and teacher coaching, and support efforts to expand the school’s partnerships and programming. Complete. The school signed a three-year agreement with the School of Education in fall 2017, which has since been extended to 2023.
Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Partnership Schools Working to launch a P-TECH program at Dunbar High School that helps students achieve a HS diploma, associates’ degree from a local community college, and key, marketable job skills. Complete. The first cohort of students participating in the P- TECH program at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School finished high school in the spring of 2020. In fall 2021, P- TECH Dunbar welcomed its fifth cohort of students.