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Whiting School of Engineering

Goal: Develop a recruitment and marketing strategy to engage students from HBCU’s and MSI’s with the objective of increasing the percentage of historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities and women who apply to graduate programs in WSE.

Future State

  • Increase the percentage of historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities and women who apply to WSE graduate programs   
  • Increased percentage of WSE applications to VTSI 
  • Increase departmental/faculty involvement in graduate recruitment events/initiatives 
  • Growth in amount of recruitment programs and summer research participants from URG 


  • Year 1 – Engage with WSE Marketing and Communications to develop effective recruitment/marketing materials, strategy and enhance website 
  • Year 1-2: Develop virtual recruitment program for HBCU and MSI students 
  • Year 2 -3: Build on current recruitment initiatives and partnerships (GradPath and EHOP) 
  • Year 2-3: Pilot/Launch Dual Degree program (3:2) with Morgan State 
  • Year 3: Expand summer research opportunities for students from URGs students in WSE 
  • Year 4-5: Continue cultivating partnerships and attending recruitment fairs 
  • Year 5: Assess effectiveness of recruitment and outreach efforts/initiatives