Bloomberg School of Public Health

Goal: Ensure greater equity into the hiring of senior staff positions at the BSPH.

Future State

  • Search committees for senior staff positions will follow a standard equity in  hiring process, to include completing unconscious bias training. 
  • Greater attention will be given to the collection and screening of applicant demographics data. The diversity of the overall applicant pool, applicants interviewed, and applicants hired will be analyzed to ensure equity in all phases of the hiring process. 
  • All applicants for senior staff positions will have to respond to standard questions regarding their commitment to IDARE. 
  • We will support a more diverse team of senior staff.   


  • Year 1: Q1 Collaborate with DBO, Assistant Dean for IDARE, and Director of HR to develop a draft of the Senior Staff Search Handbook. 
  • Year 1: Q2 Socialize the draft handbook with School leadership, business officers, and Staff Assembly. 
  • Year 1: Q3 Revise and launch the Senior Staff Search Handbook. guidelines. 
  • Year 1: Q3 Develop a template for reporting demographic information about all applicants and successful recruits  for senior staff positions. 
  • Year 2: Q1 Review the process and data from searches to check for equity and compliance with the new guidelines. 
  • Years 2 -5:Distribute the senior staff demographics report developed during Q1, annually. Revise and update the Senior Staff Search Handbook to incorporate feedback and improved practices, as needed. 
  • Year 2-3: Based on an analysis of the demographic data collected,  develop a 3-year plan to improve the diversity and inclusion of our senior staff.