DIG Awardees 2018-2019
Project Name: STEM-LEADS

Project Lead: Julia Duvall, Student, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
Awarded: $2500
Outcome: This team of JHU students and staff taught STEM coursework to Patterson High School students. The group plans to continue this work moving forward, focusing on college-level STEM projects.

Project Name: LGBTQ Health Pop-Ups Across JHMI
Project Lead: Danielle German, Faculty, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Awarded: $2,500
Outcome: This group partnered with five entities to hold seven events regarding LGBTQ health topics. They reached over 300 people in total, and they plan to continue these efforts moving forward.

Project Name: Families at Homewood Orientation Video
Project Lead: Julie Rose, Director and Curator of the Homewood Museum
Awarded: $2,500
Outcome: The Homewood Museum used their support from the DLC to produce a video on the free and enslaved families that resided in the historic house. This video will be presented to roughly 5,000 people annually.

Project Name: SAIS Symposium on Diversity in International Affairs
Project Lead: Chiedo Nwankwor, Visiting Research Associate and Lecturer, School of Advanced International Studies
Awarded: $2,500
Outcome: On September 21, 2018, the group held the Young Scholars International Affairs Symposium for students from the DC Public School System. Moving forward, they plan to host similar events and expand their offerings to local schools.