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Diversity Innovation Grants FAQ

How does my idea become eligible for DIG funding? 

You must submit your idea for consideration on The Idea Lab website. The DIG challenge moderator will review the idea before it is posted to ensure it meets the eligibility requirements. Once the challenge moderator does so, the idea will be posted on the challenge site and eligible for funding. The DIG challenge moderator reserves the right to remove or deny funding to an idea that is deemed inappropriate for the challenge. For more information, please see the Campaign Brief that governs the Diversity Innovation Grant Challenge. 

Where can I find the eligibility requirements for Diversity Innovation Grants?

Visit The Idea Lab About page for more details. 

What happens if the Challenge moderator concludes that my idea does not meet eligibility requirements?

If your idea does not meet eligibility requirements, you will have the option of revising or withdrawing your idea. This may include moving your idea from one challenge to another, if appropriate. This feedback will be provided within 10 days of the submission deadline.

How are awardees selected?

Final winners will be selected by the DIG selection committee, which is comprised of Diversity Leadership Council members from JHU and JHHS. Specifically, once the idea is posted, it can receive votes up to and until the challenge end date.

At the time of review by the committee, submissions receiving the highest number of votes will be prioritized to receive funding. In addition, a select number of the remaining vote recipients will receive funding at the discretion of the selection committee based on the outlined criteria. Preference will be given to proposals promoting new and innovative activities, events, or products within the Johns Hopkins University and Health System; proposals for recurring events will be considered case-by-case. 

Who can participate?

Diversity Innovation Grants are open to all current Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Health System faculty, staff and students. Both groups and individuals are encouraged to apply. 

If I submitted an idea in a prior DIG cycle but did not receive funding, am I eligible to resubmit it?


If I am a past recipient of DIG funding, am I eligible to submit an idea in any future rounds?

Yes, but preference will be given to proposals that promote new and innovative activities within the Johns Hopkins University and Health System; proposals for recurring events will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

How often do DIG cycles occur?

DIG cycles typically occur on an annual basis. When future cycles are scheduled, they will be posted on the DLC homepage. 

Am I allowed to ‘campaign’ for my idea by asking friends and colleagues to vote for it?

Yes! You are encouraged to make others aware of your idea.

How much funding can I apply for?

Grants will be awarded in amounts between $100 and $10,000. You can request funding in an amount up to and including $10,000. The DIG oversight committee reserves the right to partially fund an idea based on the proposed budget. Any idea with a proposed budget over $10,000 will be asked to reduce by the Administrator prior to becoming eligible for voting. 

How do I get my awarded money?

All funds will be retained by DIG. All funds must be spent on items listed in the proposed budget and in full accordance with JHU&M financial policies. For more information, please visit the accounts payable policies. There are two options to access funds as you spend them: 

  • DIG directly pays invoices and reimbursements. 
  • Your home department pays invoices and reimbursements and DIG completes a cost center transfer to refund the department. 

What will be required of me if I win an award?

In order to continue to be eligible for funding, you must complete and submit a monthly DIG project update form, which will be shared with you directly. Upon conclusion of the event/idea, a final report is due within 14 days. The report must include a brief narrative describing outcomes of the activity and lessons learned along with an evaluation of its impact and effectiveness using the proposed metrics. Reports including photo and/or audio/video records of the event are encouraged. You may be asked to participate in DIG information sessions throughout the year to educate the JH community on the DIG program. This may include presenting on your idea and results, providing data, etc. 

How long do I have to complete my winning DIG project?

All projects must be completed by June 1, 2024 and the final report on the project is due on June 15, 2024.