Specifying Your Pronouns
Specifying your Pronouns in myJH will also set a pronouns value in select downstream systems. Allow at least 24 hours for changes to myJH to propagate to other systems.
Back to Gender Identity Resources main page.
myJH Portal/JHED
- Go to my.jhu.edu.
- Go to “myProfile”.
- In the Pronouns field, select a set of pronouns from the list. You also have the option of selecting “Other” and entering a value of up to 30 characters.
- Specify who is able to see your pronouns via directory searches. Note this setting does not restrict sending your pronouns to another JHU system.
- Click “Save myProfile” to save your changes.
- Specify only pronouns. Please do not enter a name in the field.
- If you have no pronoun preference, leave Pronouns blank.